The A - Z of Spectrum Games

3D Seiddab Attack


Year of Release


The Advertising Blurb

The Seiddab have broken through the Earth's defenses and are attacking the cities. You are patrolling the city streets in the latest Knat Tank with its surface to air missiles.

Trundling along you observe the tell tale blips of the Seiddab as they appear on your scanner. They break formation and scatter across the city. Suddenly you catch sight of an alien craft swooping over the buildings to your right. He fires a plasma torpedo at your tank. You attempt to dodge but the missile finds its mark, shaking your tank and leaving a hole in the armour.

You unleash a missile and guide it accurately to the target. The Seiddab explodes and crashes from sight. You hunch over the controls once more, because this is only the beginning...


All Spectrums

Original Price


Software House

Hewson Consultants


Steve Turner


3D Arcade Shoot-'em-up


Left - A, Right - F, Up - W, Down - X, Fire - 0

Original Rating

Crash 79%


The 3D effects were very good for the time and gameplay was quite interested. Badly dated now.

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