The A - Z of Spectrum Games

Ace of Aces


Year of Release


The Advertising Blurb

'No British aircraft will ever bomb Berlin', Luftwaffe chief Herman Goering had often boasted. But in the middle of a Nzai anniversary speech in January 1941, his listeners duck for cover as a carefully timed raid of RAF Mosquitos strikes Berlin in broad daylight.

Ace of Aces captures the spirit and puts you in the cockpit of the Mosquito, maverick RAF fighter bomber of World War II. Down the Nazi bombrs, sink the U-Boats, outrun the V-1 rockets and stop the enemy trains. Choose your weapons and fuel wisely - once you're out on a mission, there's no going back. To become Ace of Aces, you must complete all missions successfully.



Original Price

£8.99 (£1.99) *

Worth now (confirmed sale)?

£2.99 Facebook 2019

Software Houses

Artech Digital Productions / U. S. Gold / Accolade / Kixx


Arcade Flight Simulator


* (Budget Rerelease)


1-4 - Select View, M - Map, O - Left, P - Right, Q - Up, A - Down, X - Fire

Original Rating

Crash 62% / Your Sinclair 7/10


This has excellent attention to detail, with the option to choose from a variety of genuine missions from the period and the ability to equip your aircraft with a varied payload of bombs and fuel.

It is on the actual bombing raids where it falls down, more due to the limitations of the hardware rather than the game design. The 3D graphics are very limited in colour and definition, making for rather bland arcade sequences.

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