The A - Z of Spectrum Games

Adventure 200


Year of Release


The Advertising Blurb

OVER 200 PLACES to explore. Written in machine code and using advanced data compression techniques it squeezes a true fixed-map adventure into just 16K - all held in ram - no extra cassette reads or books of text. Unlike a randomly generated maze type game this is a real test of your tactical skill. It starts easy but the further you progress the more dangerous and difficult the problems become as you use objects around you to overcome obstacles and evade enemies! More like a thriller than an arcade game - and you are the hero! Flexible command format allows abbreviations and multiple word lines.


All Spectrums

Original Price


Software House

Foilkade Ltd


C. J. Coombs


Text Adventure


Text input


The unique selling point of this adventure is the inclusion of 200 locations. Sadly, this does mean that the descriptions are very simple.Worse still, even very basic commands are ignored. When you have to guess how to interact with objects, it is a sign of a poorly designed game.

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