The A - Z of Spectrum Games

Astro Clone


Year of Release


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Those devious Seiddabs are mustering for another attack!

Venture through a recently discovered series of stargates guarded by Seiddab fighters, and you'll find a system of named planetoids, each a part of the Seiddab war machine.

Your mission, in this totally original 3D adventure, is to explore these stargates and planetoids and rid them of the Seiddab menace, using an armada of fighters crewed by Astro Clones. In addition, a series of garbled messages tells you that a deadly Graviton Bomb lies hidden amongst the planetoids. Using all your skill and judgement, you must travel through the stargates to find its components and smash the master consul, closing the stargates forever. After a desperate journey through space, beam your clones down to cripple each planetoid by destroying its launch system.

However, each landing holds a new surprise! Scattered around you must find everything from passcards to cryptic clues on a computer termianl to continue. There are also aliens and robots who could help or hinder your plans. Furrimal, for instance, is partial to chocolate, while another needs a battery to be of any use... The list is endless! Your clone can pick up and store objects, turn and fire a laser - he can even throw objects across the room! Futuristic graphics plus unique sound through many different scenarios make this the ultimate space adventure movie.


48K Required

Original Price


Software House

Hewson Consultants


Steve Turner


Arcade Adventure


C+VG Blitz Game


Up - A-G, Down - Z-V, Left - N, Right - M, Fire - H-L

Original Rating

Sinclair User 5/5 / Crash 88%


Another game from the industrious Steve Turner. It is basically Avalon but with a space setting and is a very good game. The graphics have suffered over time.

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