The A - Z of Spectrum Games

Aztec Hunt for the Sun God


Year of Release


The Advertising Blurb

One night, Quick-Lizard, a young Aztec coppersmith, has a strange dream. He sees the sun spread showers of copper on to the grateful people of the village. But rainclouds come and drown the sun. Terrified the villagers scatter and the sun-less world becomes cold and dismal.

Quick-Lizard wakes from the dream with a start. Unable to sleep he wanders into the forest. Quick-Lizard watches the Moon slowly set but the sun does not rise to start the day. The only light is a strange unearthly glow coming from the volcano Condor Mountain like a stifled dawn. The sun has gone. Quick-Lizard feels the cold and darkness drawing in - he must act quickly before his strength runs out. He rushes back to the village but there is no one there - except, that is, for a little Hummingbird called Hwee-Tsee...


48K / 128K

Original Price


Worth now (confirmed sale)?

£4 Facebook October 2019.

Software Houses

Hill MacGibbon / Five Ways Software Ltd


Graphical Adventure


See instructions


This is a very well designed game with large, easy to read text and some decent on-screen images. It moves at a glacial rate but this is more down to the limited hardware than the game design.l

Other Images (click or select to view larger version)

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