The A - Z of Spectrum Games



Year of Release


The Advertising Blurb

As the people of the Bloodwych awake to a new dawn, they find a stranger in their midst - from one of many races he has come. His task; to halt the demon that lies dormant within the Castle of the Bloodwych.

Unification of the Crystals of Sanguis will secure the Behemoth in his lair for all eternity. Should they remain seperate, then he shall rise to bring darkness into the world.

This unique role-playing fantasy game allows greater interaction with the environment than has ever been seen before. Argue, barter, negotiate - even lie through your teeth! The fully implemented personalities of all the characters in Bloodwych allows a rich style of role-playing that has only been dreamt of.

With one or two player simultaneous mode, this is the game that you've been waiting for. Bloodwych for those that dare!


48K Required

Original Price

£14.99 Disk version or £9.99

Software Houses

Mirrorsoft / Imageworks


Graphical Adventure / Role Playing Game


User Definable

Original Rating

Crash 75%

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