The A - Z of Spectrum Games

Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom


Year of Release


The Advertising Blurb

It's the 25th Century.

You are Buck Rogers fighting the battle of Planet Zoom. Skillfully slip through zapping electron posts. Dodge and destroy deadly space hoppers and alien saucers. Your race against time has just begun! Prepare for battle with your most powerful enemy... the Mother Ship! You must hit the Mother Ship dead centre. Anything less will only waste fuel. Aim steady, but hurry... your fuel is dangerously low!


48K Required

Original Price


Worth now (confirmed sale)?

£3.50 Facebook 2019

Software Houses

U. S. Gold / Sega


Official Coin-Op Conversion / 3D Arcade Shoot-'em-up


Left - Q-T, Right - Y-P, Up - Top Row, Down - Third Row, Fire - Bottom Row Space

Original Rating

Crash 67%


A workmanlike conversion of the arcade game. Still a good playable game which has stood the test of time better than most other types of game.

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