The A - Z of Spectrum Games

Harrier Attack


Year of Release


The Advertising Blurb

Pure machine code, super-fast, action-packed, highly addictive arcade-style game requiring great skill. The Harrier takes-off from an aircraft-carrier and flys over seaborne defenses to attack enemy installations on a nearby island. The Harrier may fly faster, slower, higher or lower, and has bombs and canon fire with which to protect itself and make its own attack. If it flies too high it is detected by enemy jet-fighters (which it may counter-attack) - so it needs to hug the mountainous terrain which also varies with every new game. But the island is heavily defended by anti-aircraft rockets and tanks, which again the Harrier may counter-attack or try to fly through. A tally is kept of fuel, speed, altitude, ammunition, plus player score and high score. Finally the Harrier must make its bomb-run over the enemy base before returning past more hostile shipping to its own carrier.


All Spectrums

Original Price


Worth now (confirmed sale)?

£5 Facebook May 2020.

Software Houses

Encore / Durell Software Ltd


Mike A. Richardson


Arcade Flight Simulator


Cursor Keys, Drop Bomb - 9, Fire - 0


When released this was an original and challenging take on the defender style game using aircraft. A poor game now but it was a classic then.

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