The A - Z of Spectrum Games

Henry's Hoard


Year of Release


The Advertising Blurb

Guide Henry over the tortuous path to the Magic Castle in order to capture the Golden Hoard. Encounter evil dwarves, elves and other nastier monsters. Henry must collect over 200 magical items and visit over 50 different locations in order to reveal the hoard's secret location.


48K Required

Number of Levels

50 Locations

Original Price


Worth now (confirmed sale)?

£5 Facebook September 2019.

Software House

Alternative Software

Produced by

Martyn J. Brown

Dwarf by

John Broadhead

Produced by

A. Biggs


Platform Game


Q - P alternative Left / Right, Space - Jump

Original Rating

Crash 65% / Your Sinclair 6/10


This is notable for its small sprites in a small play area, with a third of the screen devoted to the score and lives. It makes for some smooth movement.

One downside is that it is a tough nut with lots of pixel perfect jumps that rely on your character actually starting out standing almost on thin air. As it resets to the start of the level when you die, this can be extremely frustrating.

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