Lunar Jetman
Year of Release
48K RequiredOriginal Price
£5.50Worth now (confirmed sale)?
£6 Facebook May 2020.Software House
Ultimate Play the GameAuthor
Tim StamperAuthor
Chris StamperType
Personal Computer Games Hit. The copyright holders prohibit the redistribution of this game.Controls
Left - X N, Right - C M, Fire - Second Row, Thrust - Third Row, Pause - O, Pick Up/Drop - Z Sym, Enter/Exit - Caps Break, Hover - 1-9Original Rating
Crash 95%Review:
This was a difficult game to play to begin with as it used so many controls. Apart from that, it is without fault. The instructions were deliberately vague and finding out strategies such as recognising the gun and mounting it on top of the vehicle were not obvious unless you read the computer magazines.It has superb graphics, lots of levels that introduce some very impressive aliens, especially those that pinch your teleporter, two distinct ways of completing each level and incredibly addictive gameplay. This game conjures up superlatives on every level and is arguably Ultimate's finest hour which in itself is a fine accolade.
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