The A - Z of Spectrum Games

Moons of Tantalus


Year of Release


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This exciting three part adventure game takes place among the Moons of Tantalus. Only you are left to save the mining city, its defences destroyed by raiders. See the breathtaking views of the moon's surface and the terrifying spectacle of the attacking enemy fighters. If you succeed in refuelling the only survivng freighter, watch the realistic lift-off. Search for the enemy base hidden on one of the other monns as you defend yourself against severe bombardment. Find it, but can you destroy it before you are shot down by one of their missiles? 100% machine coded for fast action and superb graphics.


48K Required

Original Price


Worth now (confirmed sale)?

£25 Facebook August 2019.

Software House

Cornhill Services


Barry G. Cornhill


Three Stage Arcade Game / 3D Arcade Shoot-'em-up


Cursor Keys, 0 - Fire

Original Rating

Sinclair User 5/10


This is a nice looking but simple multipart arcade game. The scrolling works well and the sound effects are restrained.

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