The A - Z of Spectrum Games

Out Run


Year of Release


The Advertising Blurb

The ultimate experience in motor sports simulation, the absolute challenge to nerve and reflexes. Feel the wind in your hair and the pull of the G-force as you power your way along the highways and byeways, a girl by your side, and open country before you. Experience the exhileration and excitement of driving a high performacne sports car in this teasing time trial where your co-ordination and nerve will be tested to unbelievable limits. Out Run the coin-op starred as an arcade sensation. Out Run the computer simulation mirrors this exciting all action spectacle.


48K / 128K / +2 / +3

Original Price

£12.99 Disk version or £8.99

Worth now (confirmed sale)?

£3.50 Date Unknown

Software Houses

U. S. Gold / Probe Software / Sega / Kixx


Ian Morrison


Official Coin-Op Conversion / Arcade Racing Game


Q - Accelerate, A - Brake, O - Left, P - Right, M - Gear Change

Original Rating

Crash 72%

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