The A - Z of Spectrum Games

Samurai Trilogy


Year of Release


The Advertising Blurb

In an age in which honour was revered, from a time when grace and beauty were virtues, a class of warriors set themselves apart to dedicate their lives to a perfection in combat that in itself was an artform, to a discipline of mind that became a religion. The attaining of such excellence required an extraordinary dilligence in self denial and training in order to achieve the ultimate accolade 'War Lord'. Kendo, Karate and finally Samurai are the tests that must be mastered before such honour can be bestowed.


48K / 128K / +2 / +3

Original Price


Software Houses

Gremlin Graphics / Five Ways Software Ltd

Designed by

Nicholas Mills

Music by

Alan Reining

Graphics by

Bob Hawker

Designed by

John Tometzki


Beat-'em-up Game

Original Rating

Crash 49% / Your Sinclair 7/10

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