The Last Vampire
Year of Release
48K / 128K / +2 / +3Original Price
£2.99Worth now (confirmed sale)?
£5 Facebook September 2019.Software House
Atlantis Software LtdGame and Design by
Graham D. ShawSound Effects by
Adrian R. ShawLandscapes by
David A. ShawType
Arcade AdventureControls
Ye Olde Controls are 1 - 5 whilst there is the option for the more common Q - Up, A - Down, O - Left, P - Right and M to Fire.Original Rating
Crash 72%Review:
Apart from a seemingly obvious spelling mistake in the introduction (which could be deliberate), this is a well crafted product.The game itself is full of colour and with a smooth flip screen effect. Your character handles well and it is backed up by some good sound effects. Altogether a superior arcade adventure.