The A - Z of Spectrum Games

Tower of Evil


Year of Release


The Advertising Blurb

There are more than 40 rooms in the maze-like Tower of Evil. Throughout the Tower is scattered the stolen treasure of King Salimos, which Andros must retrieve and place in the sacred chest at the top of the Tower.

To collect the treasures, Andros must travel from room to room, duelling with the Demi-Clones, wrestling with the Baphonets. To defend himself, Andros can throw fireballs from his fingertips, but even this skill cannot help him negotiate the dreaded Fire Pits, which must be leaped in a single bound.

Tower of Evil is for experts only. We guarantee you hours of enthralling, fast action play.


48K Required

Number of Levels

5 Levels

Original Price


Software Houses

Creative Sparks / Alternative Software / Thorn EMI Computer Software


John K. Wilson


Arcade Adventure


Left - O, Right - P, Up - Q, Down - A, Fire - M

Original Rating

Crash 87%


A simple arcade adventure that is made tricky by the speed of the baddies. It is quite large and the death sequence is better than most.

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