- 10 Adventure Game Pack Vol 1, 1986
- 10 Adventure Game Pack Vol 2, 1986
- Antteroo, 1986
- Barchou, 1984
- Brian the Bold, 1986
- Classroom Chaos, 1986
- Countdown, 1986
- The Curse of Shaleth, 1986
- Desperado, 1986
- Dungeon Dare, 1986
- Escape from Devil's Island, 1986
- Father of Darkness, 1984
- The Greatest Show on Earth, 1985
- The Hexagon Museum, 1984
- Just Imagine, 1986
- The Keeper, 1984
- Laser Shoot, 1986
- The Last Will and Testament, 1983
- Murder, 1986
- The Philosopher's Stone, 1985
- A Picture of Innocence, 1986
- Podder, 1986
- Prelude, 1986
- The Ring of Dreams, 1985
- The Rings of Merlin, 1986
- The Sealed City, 1985
- Survival, 1985
- To the Manor Bourne, 1984
- A Trick of the Tale, 1986
- Urquahart Castle, 1985
- Valley of the Dead, 1985
Central Solutions